I will display different photographs here at fairly regular intervals.

John F. Kennedy Arboretum

This arboretum is dedicated to to the late Irish American US president. His grandfather was born only a short distance from here and the ancestral home is also open to the public.

The park is situated in the South-western corner of County Wexford. It is divided into different plots, covering examples of trees and shrubs from all the continents and sub continents. Above are beautiful examples of the shrubs in the azalea beds. Depending on the time of year, there will always be something to add nice colour in the park.  The park has now reached a nice mature age and as a result, it is interesting to see the different growth rates of the different species of flora. Also a a result of its age, there are now some very nice tree-lined walks in the park.


John F. Kennedy was always held in great esteem in Ireland and most people could still tell you where they were when news of his assassination (Nov. 22nd 1963) broke. He was just 46 years old. After his death almost every house in Ireland had a picture of him in some prominent place.




Close-up of a Rhododendron flower.