Saturday 18th May
7:00pm Imelda O’Connor, 3rd Anniversary. Jason Tobin, 17th
Sunday 19th May
12:00 Noon Denis Byrne, Main Street, Anniversary. Frank & Stasia
Furlong and Bernard & Lena Furlong. Erwin Egli. Alice Dunbar, St
Mary’s Villas 1st Anniversary & her son Marty Donohoe. Jim O’
Reilly, Carrigduff, Anniversary. Edward Fitzachary, Month’s Mind.
Ned & Sheila Dunbar, Gurteen.
Monday 20th May
9:00am Special Intention.
Saturday 25th May
7:00pm Mylie & Maureen Cowman, Carrigban, Anniversary. Helen Sweeney
O’Neill 5th Anniversary. Harry & Nancy Murphy, Ballinapark and
deceased members of the Murphy & Larkin families. Angela Kavanagh,
Anniversary. Wayne Farrell, Anniversary.
Sunday 26th May
12 Noon James Bennett, Ballinastraw, 2nd Anniversary. Jack & Sally
Murphy, Anniversary.
St Mary Magdalene Kilmyshall
- Saturday 18th May 9:00pm Denis O’Neill, Month’s Mind.
- Saturday 25th May 8:00pm Margaret, Tommy & Pat Kavanagh,
Ballinapark, Anniversaries
Envelope Collection
Sunday 12th May: €540.00 Thank You for your Generosity
Pilgrimage to Knock Shrine
Leaving Sunday 19th May and returning on Monday 20th May. Staying at
Knock House Hotel. Cost €190pp sharing. Single supplement €40. Includes
breakfast en route on Sunday, dinner at Knock House Hotel & breakfast on
Monday. For information or to book a place, contact May Kelly 0877468742
or John Candy 0872632324
All Ireland Rosary Rally in Knock
The All Ireland Rosary Rally will take place on Saturday June 1st
from 1pm in Knock. It will include Holy Mass 3pm, Stations of the Cross
2pm and Rosary Procession 2:30pm and talks in St John's Centre and the
Basilica. The Main Celebrant for the Holy Mass is Bishop Alphonsus
Cullinan. A bus will leave from Clonard, Wexford at 6.30am, Oylegate Bus
Stop - 6:45am Enniscorthy Promenade - 6:55am Ferns Church - 7:10am,
Camolin Bus Stop - 7:15am, Gorey Monument at - 7:25am, Arklow - 7:40am.
Return to Wexford at approx 9:30pm Please book your seat early to avoid
disappointment. Ring Eileen : 087 9331809 or 087 6846908
Bunclody Parish Office
We have a selection of Signed mass cards, Sympathy Cards, Mass
Bouquets, general cards including wedding and baptismal cards, Rosary
Beads, and Baptismal Candles, St Anthony prayer cards and various other
prayer leaflets and Holy Water bottles are also available in the parish
office, during office hours.
Word of God Outreach
Celebrating Pentecost Sunday May 19th from 10:30am –5:30pm in Edmond
Rice Centre, Bar-rack Street, Waterford. For further information Contact
Sheila on: 0868590394
Bunclody Library
Wexford Bat Group Talk – Saturday 25th May at 2.30pm. Join the
Wexford Bat Group for an informative talk about bats in Co. Wexford. The
Wexford Bat group’s objective is to educate the general public and to
create enthusiasm for these mammals and for their protection in Ireland.
Booking essential.
Healthy Age Friendly Homes with Deirdre Mulally – Thursday
30th May at 7.00pm. Join Deirdre - Local Wexford Co-ordinator for an
informative talk and learn more about the Healthy Age Friendly Homes
Programme that recently launched in Wexford by Age Friendly Ireland. The
programme is aimed at supporting older people to live in their home for
as long as possible. Booking required.
To book events, please telephone 053 9375466 or book online at
Contributions to the Church
The weekly envelope contributions are used to pay for : Insurance,
Heating, electricity, Altar Requisites etc. we appreciate and thank you
for your generous support to the upkeep of our Church and Parish. Weekly
envelopes may be left in the Church, Also for convenience contributions
can now be made directly to the bank. Bank Details: Bunclody Parish -
IBAN : IE02 BOFI 9065 2311 1601 22 BIC: BOFIIE2D
Bunclody Library
To book an event please telephone 053 9375466 or book online at
Eucharistic Adoration:
- Every Monday 9.30am– 8.00pm
- Tuesday to Friday 7:30—8:30am, Saturday 9:30—10:30am.
- No Adoration on Bank Holidays
Special Ministers for May 2024
Ministers of the Word:
- 7:00pm: Evelyn Mulrennan
- 9:00am: John / Helena Byrne
- 12 Noon: Mary Canning
Eucharistic Ministers:
- 7:00pm:
- 9:00am: Ellen Delaney / Joe Byrne
- 12 Noon: Maureen Byrne / Liz Whelan
Altar Servers:
- 7:00pm :
- 9:00am :
- 12 Noon :
Flower Society:
If you have anyone sick at home or in hospital and would like
Fr Duffy to visit, please let Fr. Duffy or the Parish Office know,
please contact 0539377188 or 0864460232.
No Mass In Kilmyshall on Monday 20th May. Mass as usual
Tuesday—Friday 9:30 am in the Church.
Eucharist Adoration: takes place every Tuesday from 10am to
4pm. New Adorers are always welcome.
Choir: Rehearsals every Tuesday at 7:30pm in Most Holy Trinity
Church, Bunclody. New Members welcome.
Split the Pot Winner: Friday 10th May – Nessa Griffin €45-
Seller: K.P.O. Envelopes are available from H.W.H Shop, Steemer’s,
Cahill’s Hardware, D & M Laundrette, Tirlán, Redmond’s Bar, Byrne’s
Hardware Ryland Lower, Kilmyshall Parish Office, & Kilmyshall School.
The pot is split between Kilmyshall School & the Parish. Draw takes
place every Friday. Your support is greatly appreciated.
300-1 Club Draw will take place next Saturday 25th May after
Minister of the Eucharist May
- Saturday Night: Marie Dowling
- Sunday Morning: Janette O’Neill
Minister of the Word
- Saturday 25th May: Ann Murphy
- Sunday 26th May: 1st Holy Communion
Like and follow our new official Facebook page - St. Mary Magdalene
Church Kilmyshall
Trip to Garbandal in June
Sunday 16th to Wednesday 19th €250 sharing or €330 single That
includes bus transfers from Santander to Garbandal, accommodation and
full board. You book your own flight with Ryanair Dublin to Santander
Sunday 16th light is at 5:55am and returning Wednesday 19th.
Contact Margaret Byrne 087 7552935.
..are moving to a new location, from Saturday 4th November 2023 all
our meetings (Tuesday & Saturday nights) will be held at St Mary’s
Daycare Centre, Ryland Rd Y21 C656
Word of God Outreach
Celebrating Pentecost Sunday May 19th from 10:30am –5:30pm in Edmond
Rice Centre, Bar-rack Street, Waterford. For further information Contact
Sheila on: 0868590394
Bunclody Baby & Toddler Group
Start date: Wed 6th of September. Every Wednesday 09:30-11:00(term
time only). Location: The Pastoral Centre, The Most Holy Trinity Church,
Main Street, Bunclody. Find us on Facebook Bunclody Baby & Toddler Group
for regular updates.
Bunclody Buggy Walking Group
Starts date: Mon 11th of September. Every Monday 10:00-11:00 (Term
time only. Weather permitting). Location: Bunclody & surrounding area.
It will vary each week. First walk will take place at the H.W.H.
Bunclody GAA walking track. Update on Bunclody Baby & Toddler Group
Facebook page.
Home Energy Saving Kits Home Energy Saving Kits are now
available to borrow from Bunclody Library. The kits contains a range of
tools/exercises to help householders make sense of the energy they
consume on a daily basis and to identify possible problem areas. Please
contact the library at 053 9375466 or email bunclodylib@wexfordcoco.ie
for further details.
hot dinner delivered
If you or someone you know is in need of a hot dinner delivered to
your home by volunteer drivers three times per week, Please contact
Brigid on 087 2699411 to discuss eligibility.
Church Choir
Seeking new members. If you can sing, play an instrument or are
interested in any way, please contact Eileen on 087-2933545 or the
parish office on 0539376190. All are welcome to join. We practice
Tuesdays at 7:30pm in the church.
Come join us on Sunday 2nd June for Clohamon 5 a side street
Tug-of-War. A great fun event Tug-of War starts at 4pm sharp.
Registration of teams from 3-3.30pm All teams of 5 welcome, men’s and
ladies competitions—— no mixed teams, Runners/trainers to be worn by all
participants, 3 meter pull.
Winners and runners up will be presented with medals on the day, Winners
will receive a perpetual Cup. There will also be a barrel of beer which
entitles all partici-pants to a free pint in the village bar Clohamon.
Tug of war starts at 4pm sharp Music in the Village bar 7pm to 9pm
Raffle on night.. For any information contact
Eilish Kavanagh 0871345229
Clohamon School Hall
..now available for bookings. Ideal space for classes, birthday
parties or promotional events etc. for bookings contact Rosemary on
0868860246 Monday to Friday after 3pm or anytime over the weekend. Text
anytime. Current classes in hall. Pilates with Karen Monday’s 8pm and
Wednesday 7:30pm. Meditation with Zoey Tuesday evenings 8pm. Yoga with
Noelle Tuesday mornings at 11am.
Make A Difference in Your Community
..with Home Instead – We are currently recruiting experienced
Caregivers for the area. Positions are part-time and can include some
evening and weekend calls. Duties include assisting clients with all
aspects of day to day living. QQI qualification desirable but not
essential and full training provided. Own transport required. Email CV
to recruit.wexford@homeinstead.ie or call 053 918 4042.