- Saturday 6th January
7:00pm Mary O’Connor, Carrigduff, Anniversary.
- Saturday 13th January
11:00am Maggie Roberts, Carrigduff, 1st Anniversary. Lizzie
Redmond, Ann Brennan & Ann Wilson, Barnahask, Anniversaries.
- Saturday 13thJanuary
7:00pm Ada Doyle, Saint Mary’s Villas, Anniversary
St Mary Magdalene Kilmyshall
- Saturday 6th January 8:00pm Anna Flynn Murphy 14th Anniversary.
Ellen (Nell) Doyle, Month’s Mind
Kilmyshall Senior Citizen Dinner
On Sunday 7th January 2024 at 1pm in Rivers Edge
Tickets can be purchased in Kilmyshall Parish Office. Cost €15. Limited
spaces so book early.
Envelope Collection
Sunday 7th December: €. Thank You for your Generosity
We will soon be updating our Envelope List for 2024. We
would like to invite those who do not contribute to this collection to
consider it for 2024. All donations are gratefully received and
appreciated. Please ring the Parish Office on 0539376190, if you would
like to be included on our list for 2024. The weekly envelope
contributions are used to pay for : Insurance, Heating, Electricity,
Altar Requisites etc
Contributions to the Church
The weekly envelope contributions are used to pay for : Insurance,
Heating, electricity, Altar Requisites etc. we appreciate and thank you
for your generous support to the upkeep of our Church and Parish. Weekly
envelopes may be left in the Church, Also for convenience contributions
can now be made directly to the bank. Bank Details: Bunclody Parish -
IBAN : IE02 BOFI 9065 2311 1601 22 BIC: BOFIIE2D
The Parish Office
..will Re-open on Monday 8th January 2024
Opening times :
Monday: 9:00am - 1:00pm
Tuesday: 8:00am - 4:00pm
Wednesday: 9:30am - 4:00pm
Thursday: 8:00am - 4:00pm
Friday: 8:00am – 12:00noon
Saturday : 8:00am - 1:00pm
Parish office phone number : 053-9376190.
Signed mass cards, Sympathy Cards, Mass Bouquets, general cards
including wedding and baptismal cards, Rosary Beads, and Baptismal
Candles, St Anthony prayer cards and various other prayer leaflets and
Holy Water bottles are also available in the parish office, during
office hours.
Diocesan Lay Ministry: Beginning a Journey This weekend as we
celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany, thirty candidates for lay ministry
gather in Maynooth with their formation team to mark the beginning of a
six-month discernment period. This is just one step to prepare and form
lay people for leadership roles in catechesis and pastoral care. We wish
them well in their discernment and pray for the success of this vital
mission for our Diocese.
Bunclody Library
Christmas 2023
Eucharistic Adoration:
- Every Monday 9.30am– 8.00pm
- Tuesday to Friday 7:30—8:30am, Saturday 9:30—10:30am.
- No Adoration on Bank Holidays
Special Ministers for January 2024
Ministers of the Word:
- 7:00pm: Aoife Corcoran
- 9:00am: Helena or John Byrne
- 12 Noon: Liz Whelan
Eucharistic Ministers:
- 7:00pm: Ann Behan / Theresa Shore
- 9:00am: Sean Byrne / Sr Madeline Ryan
- 12 Noon: Angela Connor
Altar Servers:
- 7:00pm :
- 9:00am :
- 12 Noon :
Flower Society:
- Betty Comiskey / Eileen Carton
If you have anyone sick at home or in hospital and would like
Fr Duffy to visit, please let Fr. Duffy or the Parish Office know,
please contact 0539377188 or 0864460232.
Weekday Masses & Adoration and will be held in the Oratory at
the back of Parochial house from Monday 20th November for Winter time.
Choir: Rehearsals every Thursday at
7:30pm in Most Holy Trinity Church, Bunclody. New Members male & female
Eucharistic Adoration: Every Tuesday in the church from 10:00am
to 4:00pm. New Adorers always welcome.
Hall bookings and use of hall equipment MUST be booked through
Denis O’ Neill at 087 2196565. A minimum donation of €20 appreciated.
Split the Pot Friday 1st December Winner: Ellen Brownrigg €100.
Seller: Steemer’s. Envelopes are available from H.W.H Shop, Steemers,
Cahill’s Hardware, D & M Laundrette, Tirlán, Redmond’s Bar, Byrne’s
Hardware Ryland Lower, Kilmyshall Parish Office, & Kilmyshall School.
The pot is split between Kilmyshall School & the Parish. Draw takes
place every Friday. Your support is greatly appreciated.
300—1 Club draw will take place on Saturday 30th December after
Minister of the Eucharist December
- Saturday Night: Patrick Murphy
- Sunday Morning: Ann Tyndall
Minister of the Word
- Saturday 23rd December: Deirdre Maher
- Sunday 24th December (Vigil Mass): Chris Atkinson
- Monday 25th December (Christmas Day): Carmel Ryan
- Saturday 6th January: Marie Byrne.
- Sunday 7th January: Janette O’Neill
Like and follow our new official Facebook page - St. Mary Magdalene
Church Kilmyshall
..are moving to a new location, from Saturday 4th November 2023 all
our meetings (Tuesday & Saturday nights) will be held at St Mary’s
Daycare Centre, Ryland Rd Y21 C656
Bunclody Baby & Toddler Group
Start date: Wed 6th of September. Every Wednesday 09:30-11:00(term
time only). Location: The Pastoral Centre, The Most Holy Trinity Church,
Main Street, Bunclody. Find us on Facebook Bunclody Baby & Toddler Group
for regular updates.
Bunclody Buggy Walking Group
Starts date: Mon 11th of September. Every Monday 10:00-11:00 (Term
time only. Weather permitting). Location: Bunclody & surrounding area.
It will vary each week. First walk will take place at the H.W.H.
Bunclody GAA walking track. Update on Bunclody Baby & Toddler Group
Facebook page.
Home Energy Saving Kits Home Energy Saving Kits are now
available to borrow from Bunclody Library. The kits contains a range of
tools/exercises to help householders make sense of the energy they
consume on a daily basis and to identify possible problem areas. Please
contact the library at 053 9375466 or email bunclodylib@wexfordcoco.ie
for further details.
Collections during Mass
Bunclody/Kilmyshall Collections during Mass
The 1st collection is for the benefit of the Priest.
The 2nd collection is for the upkeep of the electricity, heating,
repairs etc.
Your support for both is much appreciated.
hot dinner delivered
If you or someone you know is in need of a hot dinner delivered to
your home by volunteer drivers three times per week, Please contact
Brigid on 087 2699411 to discuss eligibility.
Church Choir
Seeking new members. If you can sing, play an instrument or are
interested in any way, please contact Eileen on 087-2933545 or the
parish office on 0539376190. All are welcome to join. We practice
Tuesdays at 7:30pm in the church.
Clohamon Community Development Group.
Classes available in Clohamon School Monday's 8pm Pilates for men.
Ladies classes Tuesday and Wednesday's at 7.30pm . Contact Karen on
0877747639. Yoga with Noelle on Tuesday morning at 10.00am (NOTE change
of time) and Saturday mornings at 11am. Phone 0838987155 for more
Clohamon School Hall
..now available for bookings. Ideal space for classes, birthday
parties or promotional events etc. for bookings contact Rosemary on
0868860246 Monday to Friday after 3pm or anytime over the weekend. Text
anytime. Current classes in hall. Pilates with Karen Monday’s 8pm and
Wednesday 7:30pm. Meditation with Zoey Tuesday evenings 8pm. Yoga with
Noelle Tuesday mornings at 11am.
Make A Difference in Your Community
..with Home Instead – We are currently recruiting experienced
Caregivers for the area. Positions are part-time and can include some
evening and weekend calls. Duties include assisting clients with all
aspects of day to day living. QQI qualification desirable but not
essential and full training provided. Own transport required. Email CV
to recruit.wexford@homeinstead.ie or call 053 918 4042.
Bunclody Parish Flower Society
Thank You to all Our Members who have decorated our Church this year,
Help is needed to arrange flowers for February. If you would like to
volunteer or donate flowers/greenery please contact Eileen Carton on
087—2933545 or the parish office on 053 9376190